Closing one door, opening another

The newsroom team!

Friday I left my career in journalism and will be heading to the “dark side” as us journalists call it.

Over the years I’ve had the honor to cover many stories, events and met some pretty rock star people and gained some lifetime friends.

In the last 2 1/2 years as editor of the paper I worked for, I worked with some incredible people, who made my last day at the paper memorable, wonderful and tear-filled. They Saran-wrapped my desk and got me a cake that said “Good luck, Quitter. (hahaha). My co-workers at the paper always made me feel valued, loved and they always had an amazing sense of humor that kept us all going. Especially when at 3 p.m. on a Friday a fire or accident happened and we had to strip down Saturday’s paper to fit in the breaking news. We always came together as a team on these things.

Because it wouldn’t be a “last day” without being pranked. 🙂

In these past couple of years there’s been the great times, where we team-covered the Dirty Kanza 200. And there’s been the sad times where we listened in real-time on the scanner when somebody drowned in a flash flood. Tears of joy and tears of sadness and sorrow.

Journalism is like that.


May the odds be ever in your favor, people of the paper. 🙂

I could write pages and pages about my journalism adventure, but I’ll just leave it here: it’s been an amazing ride. I learned so much and grew so much as a person. But, I’m so excited for my new adventure and for new memories.

Thanks to my co-workers at the paper, who made the days bright. Who taught me to laugh. And who taught me it was also OK to cry when the situation is sad. As journalists you see lots of joy, but also lots of gut-wrenching things.

And, my dear co-workers, thanks for the tributes. My work-wife, Jessie wrote this for me. Made me cry. Another co-worker made me cry with his wonderful, heart-felt letter. And the wonderful comments on my farewell card. I worked with some truly amazing, caring people.

With all that said, stay tuned to this page, as I’ll be updating it more now that the weather is nicer! More adventures to come! I’m so excited!



One thought on “Closing one door, opening another

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  1. Wish you the very best in your life’s next steps. You were always a great reporter, writer, and a pleasure to work with on the animal rescue stories through the years. You’re an “original”! Take care, and live well 🙂


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