NaNo Day 7

Day 7 is now officially behind me -- at lease the writing part of the day. Like my previous blog entry today, I awoke very early with the title of my novel in my head. I wish the rest of the time spend on writing today was as easy. Today I spent doing some more... Continue Reading →

A title for my novel!

So in the very early morning hours of NaNo Day 7, at 2:15 this morning, it came to me -- the title of my novel.But, like a true lover of sleep, I lay in bed covered in soft blankets and tried to burn the title into my memory so I could work on it in... Continue Reading →

NaNo Day 6!

Day six. Success!  As of day 6, I'm at 12,017 words. That puts me on target for finishing on Nov. 25 -- if I keep up this pace. I have 24 days to write 37,983 words. After today, I have no doubt I'll reach that goal. And my goal is to get done early so... Continue Reading →

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